To Clear SinusitisThe following points are helpful in clearing the sinuses. While applying gentle yet firm pressure to the points, allow your breathing to relax and deepen naturally. You can also visualize a warm golden light flowing into the points with the inhale and and let it melt any tightness and congestion away. On the exhale just allow that tightness and congestion to leave with the breath. Hold the points as indicated bellow for a few minutes at a time. Although the sequence below is optimum, not all of the points need to be held in the sequence provided. Experiment and find out which combination works best for you. You can hold these point combinations at any time and any place. You may want to try NASAL IRRIGATION. This is a simple yet effective way of cleaning the nasal passages. Simply add 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt to 4oz of warm distilled or boiled water and pour it into the nose and bring it out the mouth. A small teapot with a narrow spout or a plastic squeeze bottle is helpful to do this. Since this process can be a bit messy I found that doing it in the shower works best. If there is a Chinese Community in or near where you live you may want to obtain the following Patent Remedy: BI YAN PIAN. Take 3-4 tablets 3 time a day with warm water. ![]() The pointsLI 4: (HOKU) JOINING OF THE VALLEYSLocated: At the highest point on the muscle of the hand between the thumb and index finger when they are pressed together. LI 11: CHU CHI (CROOKED POND)Located: At the outer edge of the elbow crease when the hand is placed on the chest. Li 20: YING XIANG (WELCOME FRAGRANCE)Located: On the outer edge of the nostrils, feel for a small hollow in the bone. Lu 7: LIE CHUE (BROKEN SEQUENCE)Located: Just above the styloid process of the wrist in a depression between the sinew and the bone. Lu 10: YU JI (FISH BORDER)Located: Just behind the base of the thumb in the depression on the inside border of the red and white skin. St 3: JU LIAO (GREAT CHEEKBONE)Located: Just below the cheekbone on a line directly below the center of the eye. ST 36: ZU SAN LI (LEG THREE MILE)Located:On the leg four fingers width below the bottom of the kneecap and one finger's width lateral of the sharp edge of the shinbone. GB 20: FENG CHI (WIND POND)Located: Below the base of the skull in the hollow between the two large vertical neck muscles (the lateral edge of the Trapezius muscle). BITANGLocated: On the bridge of the nose just below the prominence of the skull. How to Use the PointsUse the points in the following combinations for the most effective results. Stimulating the Immune Response Bend the elbow ata 90 degree angle and find the point at the end of the line made when the elbow is bent. Breathe gently into the point for a few minutes and repeat on the other side. This point helps the immune system to fight off any residual infections. Clearing the Lung Fire The Lung Meridian has an effect on the sinuses and clearing the fire out of the Lung Meridian can help a lot with Sinusitis. Hold the Lu 10 point on the base of the left thumb while visualizing the heat cooling off as you breathe gently into the point for a few minutes. Repeat on the other side. Balancing the Lung Meridian Hold the Lu 7 point on the left wrist while breathing gently into the point for a few minutes and visualize a warm golden light filling your lungs with health and joy. Repeat on the other side. Moving the Chi Down from the Head Hold the Li 4 points on the left hand while at the same time use your index finger of the left hand to hold the Li 20 point on the side of left nostril for a few minutes while breathing slowing and visualize the congestion ease down from the head and into the points on your hand. Repeat on the right side. Draining the Sinuses Hold the Gb 20 point on the back of the head with the left hand and hold the Bitang point on the bridge of the nose with the right hand. Breathe into the point for a few minutes and visualize the whole of your head relaxing and clearing. Keep on holding the Gb 20 point with the left hand and move the right hand to the St 3 point on the bottom of the cheekbone directly below the center of the eye. Hold these two points for a few minutes while visualizing the sinuses clearing and draining. Repeat on he other side. Re-energizing the Whole Body-Mind Rub the St 36 points vigorouly on both legs at the same time for a couple of minutes while visualizing the whole of yourself being recharged and revitalized. The best way to find this point is to place the fingers at the bottom of the kneecap. The point is at the bottom edge of the finger closest to your foot and just a bit outside from the center of your shinbone. These points will help your body to regain a state of health. It may take a while for you to notice any change. Please don't despair, this kind of practice takes a while and is rather subtle in its effect. I trust that you will be able to clear the problem in due time. Feel free to continue to hold these points combinations for some time after the problem has cleared up to strengthen your whole body-mind and thereby help prevent a reoccurrence. |